Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Orientation Camp

Do you remember the Simpsons episode where Bart convinces Homer to send him to Kamp Krusty? The pamphlets make it look amazing and all of Bart's friends are going. Unfortunately, when Bart arrives at Kamp Krusty -- different story. Sort of like Orientation Camp. I'll try to be as objective as possible.

The sleeping quarters were in ruins. One large shack per dozen people meant sleeping on slabs of wood meant to accommodate short schoolchildren. The food was all generic beige in colour and provided little nutrition (fries and hot dogs). And all of this for hundreds of dollars!

Let us not miss the point of this event: socializing and networking. Some of the activities that stood out as fun were the olympics, swimming, and the evening campfires. People were allowed the freedom of deciding their own activities and mingling. However, even the swimming was constricted to a specific area of the lake at a predefined time. Sounds like my mom forgot to sign my permission slip.

My recommendation: come up for one day in your own car. The Rock Legends night was a great event. Along with the campfire, it allowed opportunity to network and have fun in one night.

Let me know your thoughts on Orientation Camp.



  1. I thought it was expensive for a $350 THREE day camping trip... Especially when we were promised the food would be better than "normal camp" (lies!)

    However, every night (and most afternoons) were open bar... So I'll forgive them ;)

  2. yes, cannot put a price on an open bar :D
